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Home or School: Which Classroom Is Better?

Renee Lau

2020 is the year that the entire world stood still. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, industries across the board came to a grinding halt. By now, we are slowly recovering but we now have a new norm. In the education sector, home-schooling used to be a fringe concept where only a small percentage of students participated. Now, almost all classrooms have now become online.

As having lessons at home have become the norm, are having music classes at home or in a proper classroom setting better?

To answer this question, you have to consider several factors. Students behave differently in a school setting and at home. Different environments play a part in shaping their education. For the teachers, each circumstance also changes the teaching tools that are available to them. There are times where lessons at home are better while at other times, the opposite is true.

This hinges on the age of the student. How old your child is will impact their learning process. This can be divided between the younger and older students.

For younger students, it’s actually more suitable to have classes at school. This is because their attention span is still developing and usually, there are a lot of distractions at home. It’s best for them to be in an environment that is conducive to learning where they can focus on the lessons instead.

Learning at home is more suitable for older students. At this point in their lives, they would have matured enough to have the discipline to focus on the lessons at hand. Conducting a music class at home can also be less stressful for them if they are more comfortable at home. There’s also greater flexibility here.

So, when you’re deciding whether to send your children to a proper classroom for music lessons or conducting it in your home, bear this in mind. Take into consideration their age and this would help in choosing the best form of music education for them.


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